Featured Volunteer for the Month of Mar’13

Praveen Kumar from WM center has been awarded our “Featured Volunteer of the Month” for Mar’13

A short write-up about Praveen…

“K Praveen has been with us for more than a year. His attendance has been very regular and participation as enthusiastic as the children. He has always been ready to carry out whatever out-of-the-way requests we make of him (his help in Library books data entry is one such), after sleepless nights (due to his office shift hours) he is among the first to arrive on Saturdays (and among the last to leave), has been diligently taking care of the video session week after week, has been showing tremendous amount of responsibility”

Deepam Outstanding Volunteer – 2012

At Deepam, all volunteers have been doing and continue to do what they like doing, what comes to them naturally, and they are doing it exceedingly well. They get really rewarded every time they are with children, every time they see a smiling face of a child.
Deepam’s Outstanding Volunteer Award is given to volunteers whose performance in the year has made a difference, made people take notice and follow their examples.
Deepam takes immense pleasure and enormous pride in acknowledging and sharing with everyone such splendid performance by such volunteers by honoring them with this Award. In the past 4 years, as many as 13 volunteers have received this prestigious Award..
A few words about the Recipients of Deepam’s Outstanding Volunteer Award for year 2012.
1.      M Sugumaran of Olcott Center – He has infused fresh blood, fresh thoughts and fresh mindset among his team. His mails exude enthusiasm in its every sentence. Dynamic and self-confident, he sets for himself seemingly unrealistic targets and surprises everyone by achieving them! He organized the first-ever Sports event at Olcott Centre. His ever-cheerful manner and how-can-I-help attitude are contagious and these have helped him in increasing regular volunteer strength at Olcott Centre to more than 10.

2.      Vedavalli of KC Center – She is a regular volunteer at Deepam for over 3 years now andlikes to keep a low profile. She has been an embodiment of patience and perseverance. To reach her Centre, run at a community hall in Kakkan Colony, she has to overcome many obstacles, some of them she has to literally side-step. Undeterred by these and otherimpediments, shepersisted and has successfully kept the classes going regularly. She has now built a team of over 10 regular volunteers at the Centre. Last year, she initiated scholarship program for the children. Her interest in the children does not stop with teaching them computers or language – her concern for them extends to upliftingtheir conduct, attitude and behavior.

3.      Maduravalli of West Mambalam Center–A volunteer who has been associated with Deepam and its activities for well over 4 years, she is passionate in whatever she does and assertive without sounding superior. She can get things done without being demanding, is strict with children and yet their favourite, competent of handling complex problems and always open to others’ views. She is ready and willing to take on any assignment, however challenging, if only it will eventually benefit the children.Right now, with support from other volunteers, she is spearheading the project of making a perpetual Curriculum for all Deepam Centres

Deepam 5th Annual Day – Your Support Required


Deepam’s 5th Annual day celebrations will be on March 17th. All the children from our current batch will be awarded certificates / medals. The children will also perform for all of us on this day.
We will have all the centres coming together for this event – the children and volunteers from all centres will be present at this event. We will shortly confirm the venue / date.
In the meanwhile, we are looking for sponsors for this event. I’ve listed down the requirements below 
Here is the approx budget
  1. Medals & Certificates for Children – Rs.13,000
  2. Scholarship for Deepam Kakkan Colony Centre Children – Rs.15,000
  3. Tee Shirts for Children (240 children) & Volunteers(60 volunteers) – Rs.60,000
  4. Venue expenses (chairs etc) / Audio – Rs.7,000
  5. Refreshments – Rs.10,000
  6. Transportation for children – Rs.15,000
Total Budget : Rs.1,20,000 ( approx )
We have received :Rs.68,000 and need to raise Rs.52,000
If you know any organisations / individuals who can contribute, please do get in touch with me : [email protected] or call me 988 421 7276

Books, Benchmarks and Beyond


WM Centre Library Review – Third Term

When one of the Library team members said that we should prepare a write-up on WM Centre Library Review for the Third Term (05 Jan -16 Apr 2011), as we had done for the previous two terms, my first thought was that the Third Term was no different from the other two. This thought was immediately followed by another, “Or was it?”


If we are to write about books distribution in the Third Term, it would be mere statistics. Children’s thirst for books remained unabated and we had to release about 25 more books for distribution to III, IV and V standard students, numbering 54, for taking home to read. Reading of books in the class on Saturdays, assisted by volunteers, continued, where children of II standard and VI standard also
participated with great interest. Out of some 220 books we had, as many as 180 books were in regular use, either in circulation or in class-reading sessions.

During the term, intent on trimming the Library stocks, 26 books were identified to be of much higher standard for WM children and these were handed over to Centre Co-ordinator for exploring possibilities of using them at other Centres.

To cater to the varied interests exhibited by the children, old and new issues of Magic Pot, a fortnightly English magazine (now weekly) specially designed for children – comprising comics to colouring, stories,problem solving tests, quiz, etc. –were bought and donated by two of the team members. Needless to say, these became hot favourites among the children.

Mid-week visits to the school by two of the Library Team members continued throughout the Third Term and as many as 14 such visits were made. These visits helped volunteers to interact with the children more intimately and on one-to-one basis to gauge their interests and overall improvement in language.

There were 4 occasions when a child read out for the other children a story from a book. This exercise boosted children’s self-esteem and motivated other children to emulate them.

Silent reading by some children on their own was tried during this term. However, as monitoring this activity proved to be difficult, this was abandoned after few attempts. With a better volunteer strength, probably, we could have gone on with this experiment and emerged successful, instead of losing out not just in efforts, but also in keeping track of books in the overall extra excitement this trial created. In
the third term, sadly, as many as 22 books have been lost or have gone missing.


All the targets set at the beginning of the academic year – number of books every kid reads in a year, recalling stories read, overcoming hesitation to speak in English, reading to an audience –were surpassed with ease and children’s interest in seeing, reading, drawing and learning from the lot of books we placed at their disposal kept increasing and we went on creating new benchmarks. However, the number of kids showing considerable improvement in the language front was not up to expectations
and this has to go up to make the library project a total success. This is the goal set for the coming year, and towards this end, the team has already started devising plans and processes, including investing in and inducting as many as 50 new books.

Seeing that the children have started to eagerly look forward to taking home a book on Wednesdays, the teachers decided to make use of this interest more effectively. As a means of punishment, unruly children were forbidden from taking home any book for a week or two. Though this gave way to long faces, the apprehension of another week without book made the children correct their behaviour.


Books and benchmarks are part of any Library effort, but alwyas there was something beyond these that was taking place in Deepam WM.

At the beginning of the third term, on January 7, a group of 18 children were taken on a guided tour to Anna Centenary Library, Kotturpuram, to make them understand the concept of a Library and give them a feel of the Library atmosphere and culture. The sense of awe the kids had on seeing the huge building with rooms and rooms of books (not just rows and rows), including some in Braille and digital Braille made us feel: One Library visit = All Deepam sessions of the year.

When announcement about Deepam’s Third Anniversary function was made and the Centre coordinators decided that each Centre would give a brief account of its activities at the function, the Library Team decided to make this intro speech a lively show. An idea as to how to present it was conceived, contents were developed and transferred to paper, resources (8 children) for the part handpicked, rehearsals and practice done, the children made to understand what they were to speak – and they did! Many unscheduled visits to the school were made by the team members, with one goal
in mind and when the speech was delivered at the Anniversary Function held on 19 March, the children outperformed everyone’s expectation. The remarkable capability shown by the children in reading, understanding, committing to memory and reproducing to an audience of 500 plus with hardly a tremor showcased the fruits of our efforts.

When the twice-weekly interactions with the children revealed that some of the IV standard children were dismally poor in basic English and found it difficult even to understand simple words, we identified 10 kids who needed help the most. A book specially designed for such children (simple words in bilingual form) was purchased and given to each of them, along with a notebook. Exercises to learn the language
in a fun way were devised and the children were told to do them during vacation as a pastime.

Ten children who exhibited excellent learning skills, eagerness to learn, improvement in attitude, exemplary behaviour and an enthusiasm to participate in Deepam classes regularly, were chosen to be rewarded. It was unanimously agreed that nothing other than a Book would be a fitting gift to them. Therefore, we bought 10 sticker books that were learning-oriented but with entertainment value and these books were presented to them during Deepam’s Anniversary function. Later, the children could
be seen going through these books with eyes wide with pride.

Reaching out

On the last day of the school, the Library Team members visited the school to give away free Tamil and English books to children for reading during vacation. These came out of the books received by the Centre as donation. The Magic Pot collection was also cleared and the magazines found their right places in the kids’ bags ‘to keep in touch with English’ during vacation.

Few books were collected from members’ own personal stock of books and reached to one of the IV standard boys who was staying home nursing a fractured leg and has been advised a month’s rest by the doctor.

What started as an effort to introduce the children to simple story books in English and to ensure that every child had read at least 10 books at the end of the year, has now become synonymous with a ‘way of Deepam English sessions’ at WM Centre. Nearly eight to ten kids have been able to understand the concept of library record too and had an index of a list of books they had read, which, to them, is a matter of great pride.


Wrapping up last year with a good sense of fulfilment, we hope to strengthen the efforts in the forthcoming year in the Library front to increase its effectiveness and consequently the satisfaction of having a fantastic outcome. With volunteers keenly supporting library team’s efforts through the year, such increase in effectiveness and ensuing joy are only to be expected, naturally.

5 June 2011

Microsoft Digital Literacy Certification

Deepika is one of our regular students at uroor kuppam centre. Bubbly and full of energy always. Today, she is nervous and not her usual self. She is about to take a ‘practise’ assessment test – She scores 80% and yet doesn’t clear as assessment test ( the test was deliberately made tough by the test designer, with higher cut-offs ). She breaks down … All the volunteers talk to her and cheer her up. Kamalesh tells her it was a practise test and she still isn’t convinced…
That moment defined what the UK centre has managed to accomplish over the last 3 years. Deepika could have taken the test ‘lightly’ and with no emotions attached. But there seemed to be a sense of attachment and ‘a want’ to do well. This surely has come from the months of bonding between the volunteers and the children..
A week later,Saturday the 28th May 2011 4 pm was a proud moment for all of us at Deepam – 6 children from Deepam took the certification test. All of them cleared the exam. Here is the certificate of the 1st kid from Deepam who passed the Microsoft Digital Literacy Certification

This certification tests students knowledge about basic computers , internet and worldwide web , basic skills in productivity programs among others. This is a significant step for Deepam since our computer curriculum is also focussed on making children familiar in the same areas as digital literacy certification curriculum.
Thanks to all the volunteers who have worked with the UK centre children over the last few years. Prasanna , Kamalesh , Shyam , Arti and the logica volunteers had spent last few weeks revising the curriculum , getting the children prepared for this certification.
Someday soon, we will have all children at Deepam – Microsoft Digital Literacy Certified !

2010 Deepam Fellows

Deepam Fellow is an award to honour the volunteers who have gone an extra mile to support the cause of education at Deepam. Our earlier fellows – 2009 Deepam Fellows , 2008 Deepam Fellows

Deepam aims to honour 2 types of people through this award
  • People involved in direct teaching & mentorship : Teachers are the people who have an immense opportunity to change the future of the world – by positively influencing the people who will inhabit the world in the future. The best among them will be honoured through the Deepam Fellowaward
  • People involved in design & implementation of programs enabling teaching : By designing / implementing a program that enables teachers / children to meet their education goals, people who design / implementation work in tandem with teachers to make an impact on the children. The best among these people will be honoured through the Deepam Fellow award
2010 Deepam Fellow

Rajagopalan Sir – Everytime I talk to him, I come away with a light feeling. I would not have been surprised if he was on the stage at the annual day, shaking the legs with the children. Almost twice my age, he has never ‘adviced’ me or saye or the other ‘kids’ 🙂 – he easily connected with all the volunteers and won our respect and admiration, just for this. His flair for writing , wit and energy filled emails / puzzles keeps the Deepam mailing lists alive

He is meticulous in his work, along with Vasanthi mam / Maduravalli Mam, organises a successful library program at the Deepam West Mambalam centre. He visits the centres even during weekdays to run the library program. His enthusiasm to help children read was evident in the way he helped organise the Deepam WM centre trip to the Anna Library. He also prepares ‘interesting lesson plans like this 😉 .

He connects with the children with ease. They adore RR sir 🙂 – no wonder he was called in as a ‘chief guest’ for the West Mambalam school’s annual day.

We are honoured to have RR Sir with us. He is one of our Deepam Fellow 2010

Meera – One of the earliest volunteers, Meera was active at Deepam, despite a 2 year study break in the US. She actively evangelised Deepam in the US and brought in valuable donation dollars.

When she got back, she was keen to make a difference on the ground. This keeness as evident when she encouraged the children to participate in the Google Doodle contest – I was pushed into taking her to the Uroor Kuppam on a sunday afternoon, where we met the children with the painting kits.

She showed equal enthusiasm in building a strong team at the Uroor Kuppam Centre, who have been doing some great work at the centre.

She also pushed us / kept hope / helped in writing an effective proposal that helped Deepam win the 2HP EdTech award.

She is our other Deepam Fellow 2010

3rd Annual Day – Thanks for making this a memorable event!

Hello Friends,

It was a joy to watch the children enjoy the Deepam Annual Day. Almost all of them seemed like natural performers on the stage. Thanks to all the volunteers for making this a memorable experience for the children.
Leeba – First one to show up at the ‘party’ . She got us answers to some difficult questions – Right from the start, she took on the job of helping identify venue / chief guests / making other arrangements, besides helping out the VRS team to put up the show.
Basu – Has always been a solid support at Deepam. This time too, he ran the show behind-the-scenes and ensured things happened.
Archana – Wherever she is, she contributes to Deepam. Despite living in Poland, She co-ordinated – designed / ensured the certificates , medals were available for the event, well in advance !
Priya / Radhika / Other KCG College students – Talented bunch from the KCG College. Their consistent efforts at Deepam is really an example for college children. On the annual day, they entertained all of us with their music. Thanks!
Vandhana – New to deepam – yet got into “action mode” along with Archana to get the medals / certificates were ready, much before the event. Thanks!
Our Guests Murali / Illayaraja from Sevalaya – Thanks for sharing your stories and being with us on this day. The children connected with your speech and was motivating for them.
Orderyourchoice.com – Thanks for supporting the event. Gladly offered to sponsor, on hearing about annual day.
Roopa / Swapnil / Sriram / Mahesh – Thanks for supporting the event with your generous contributions. The best part was all it took was an email about the event and they gladly responded on their own 🙂
Hotbreads – Our ‘food partner’ – they provided snacks for all of us. They were feasted on by all of us, hungry ones!
Yashwant – Took on the role of MC, this year too. Kept everyone engaged . He also brought in a humourist-friend, who kept us light and laughing with his mimicry
Sriram / Noopuran / Pradyot / Anupama – The photographers for the event. Sure made us all feel ‘big’ on stage . Thanks for capturing the moments!
The centre teams and Children ( so many to mention here ) – Going by what we saw on the day, it was clear that every centre had put in a lot of effort to put up the show. Many hours had gone into re-hearsing and getting ‘ready’ for the day. Despite a volunteer effort, it was heartening to see the effort to make the show as professional as possible – the ideas / the ‘props’ / the execution was just awesome. Thanks a lot friends, you deserve the most special thanks !
Deepam Team !

Deepam 3rd Annual Day – You are Invited !

Dear Friends,
Deepam turns 3 this April and we are getting together to celebrate the best year we had, till date. As always, this event is focussed on the children – they will perform on the stage for us. We will also felicitate the teachers ( Volunteer – Teachers ) who have been mentoring them through this year.
Venue : Bapalal Bhavan , #15 ,1st Seaward Road, Valmiki Nagar ,Thiruvanmiyur
Date : 19th March, Saturday , 2011
Time : 2:30 PM to 5:30 PM
We request your presence for this event, to be with the children and support Deepam.
All are invited.
Deepam Team

HP Grant – Delivered

A small dream we had 3 years ago , is now a reality – ALL Deepam centres will have computers and internet from next academic year !
The shipment from HP arrived a few days ago – The HP grant of 20 laptops , a printer / scanner / copier ( all in one ) , 20+ inch monitor was delivered.

The laptops are some of the latest ones in the market – has an i7 processor, rotating screen with touch sensor and importantly, will last close to 9 hours on full charge ( HP has given heavy duty batteries too !! )