Pudiyador – Next Steps


Dear all,

The heat is on! and while the children are cooling off in their summer vacatio/native places, this is the perfect time to set the curriculum and plan for the next year. June 2010 – March 2011.

The Adyar-Pudiyador center has varied needs. Some
1) We have two desktop computers there, and we have access to three (yes three!) more laptops that the UK center is going to hand over.
2) We have children across the age group- from 4-5 standard students to 11-12th standard! We also have some toddlers looking at the screen in curiosity
3) The children there are fairly confident in all the MS office suite.
4) Sessions every weekend on a sunday 11am-1pm. Time slot may change.

Request all volunteers and interested people to please lend a hand to set the curriculum for the year.

Plan of Action for the next year
1) Prepare a bunch of confident english speakers
2) Exposure to the internet and making presentations, gathering data from the internet.
3) Activities (once every quarter)
4) Divide the class into 2-3 batches and cater specifically to their needs.

This year, we aim to build a strong curriculum and a stronger volunteer team.
Please get in touch with me if you can contribute in any manner. Suggestions most welcome!


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