Every child deserves education – The basic requirement for gaining knowledge. Education is one of the fundamental supports that a child needs to become a productive adult. Many children don’t even get a chance at school education. Some don’t have the financial backing to go to college.
It is Deepam’s vision to see every child get a real opportunity at life – through school & college education. Deepam aims to support deserving children by providing them scholarships.
In 2020, thanks to numerous Deepam’s donors – 12 deserving children were awarded need-scholarship by Deepam

The criteria used at Deepam to award the scholarships are (this may change over time)
- Are the children, from a less-privileged background? What do their parents do?
- Are they the 1st in their family to enter the school / college system? Are they 1st generation learners?
- What do their school / college teachers have to say about their attitude towards learning?
- (Optional) Do any of Deepam’s volunteers know them? What is their feedback?
- Usually, at this stage, their acadamic performance is not strictly considered for scholarships. Academic performance can be a limiting factor, given the background of the student. We do however, encourage the student to keep improving.
- How will this scholarship be utilised? Deepam requires fee receipts and communication from school / college
If you know any deserving students who are in need of money to pay their college fees / school expenses, please do send the details by email to [email protected]